In a world dominated by screens, tangible printed materials have become increasingly important. At Voodoo Agency, we’ve embraced changes in the design for print approach, including:
Digital Compatibility: Digital campaigns are often accompanied by printed materials today. We ensure that the transition between the two mediums is seamless. In order to bridge the gap between print and digital, QR codes, augmented reality elements, or simple web links are sometimes integrated.
Sustainability: In a world increasingly attuned to environmental concerns, our approach to Design for print also reflects this ethos. By utilising sustainable materials and eco-friendly printing processes, we ensure that our designs are not only visually appealing but also environmentally responsible.
Diverse Formats: We offer clients a wide range of print options, including brochures, posters, and business cards, as well as interactive pop-ups, tactile textures, and foldable designs.
Cultural Relevance: Printed materials cater to various audiences in a globalised world. To ensure universal appeal, our designs are culturally sensitive and relevant.
Despite its age, print design still remains a powerful tool in the arsenal of brand communication. The tactile experience, tangibility, and permanence give it an edge. Over the past two decades, Voodoo Agency has seen trends come and go, but our commitment to excellence, precision, and innovation remains constant. Whether you want to make a lasting impression or communicate a crucial message, our tailored Design for print solutions ensures impact, elegance, and effectiveness.